Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Hopewell kid-min is all about encouraging families, children, and students to take their next step toward Jesus, helping families grow together in faith, and actively serving our community in a fun and safe environment.
Hopewell offers Christ centered fun and excitment on Wednesday nights at 6:30 with a meal at 6:00.
Our Sunday morning nursery is staffed with loving and caring ladies that will teach songs, lessons and of course let them have fun!
We offer a Children's Church during our morning service at the parent's discretion that offers a light snack, teaching the Word of God, as well as activity time.
"All youth ministry volunteers have background checks"
Hopewell offers Christ centered fun and excitment on Wednesday nights at 6:30 with a meal at 6:00.
Our Sunday morning nursery is staffed with loving and caring ladies that will teach songs, lessons and of course let them have fun!
We offer a Children's Church during our morning service at the parent's discretion that offers a light snack, teaching the Word of God, as well as activity time.
"All youth ministry volunteers have background checks"

Sunday Mornings
Sunday School
Sunday School is available for all ages. Our knowledgeable teacher are eager to help your children get closer to God.
Worship service
We encourage all our youth to be present and active in our worship service! We do offer Children's Church for those interested which brings the messages of the Bible to their level.