The Secret of Life

"The Secret of Life"
Many wonder, "what is the secret of life?" And Although many might look to leaders, pastors, or philosophers for the answer, the Only One who truly explains life to us is the One who came to be Life for us and His Name is Jesus. In (John 15:16) the Bible says, “Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, He May give it you.”
You see, the blessing here is not only does Jesus tell us what’s going on and what’s coming down eventually, but He ordains us to be involved in ministry presently. We as God’s people are called to do the work of the Lord and all that’s left for us to say today is “Yes Sir!” Lord. Saints, the beautiful thing about Prayer is that our request is not based upon how many devotions we’ve had this week, or how many folks we’ve witnessed to this month, or how many hours we’ve spent in prayer each day. No, we just draw from the banks of heaven based solely upon the riches of Jesus Christ, who loved us and gave Himself for us and gave us His name to use. Praise His Holy Name! 
Oh what our prayer life means when we understand what it means to use Jesus Name with the Father.