Blessings of Inadequacy

Did you know that there are blessings of inadequacy? In other words, will we choose to be limited by what we can do, or will we trust God and be amazed by what He can do? In (2 Corinthians 3:1-6) Paul never said he was capable of doing all that God called him to do. He simply learned to look beyond his own inadequacy to the sufficiency of Jesus Christ. And if we adopt the same practice, we'll be able to discover the blessings that are hidden in our own experiences of inadequacy. We need to keep in mind on this Monday:
*That our sufficiency should drive us to God. When we realize a situation is bigger than we can handle, we ought to quickly open the Bible and diligently pray for guidance and power. Inadequacy relieves us of the burden of self-effort and self-reliance, motivating the dependency on divine power instead. 
*We will never be adequate until we draw from the Holy Spirit's strength. He does in and through us what God never intended that we do on our own. By using inadequate people, God demonstrates the great things He can do. Saints, there is no limit to what God can accomplish through someone who is willing to give Him full control.
*Inadequacy challenges our faith. Notice what Paul says here in (verse 5) "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God." It's when we focus on the reliability of this promise and step out in obedience that we will grow in faith. Let the Lord make you and me adequate by relying upon Him and allowing Jesus to live in and through you and me.

Pastor Dennis McCoy

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