In the Mire

I love to read about Jeremiah, he was just preaching and telling the truth as God told him to. And what happened? The king and the leaders took Jeremiah and cast him into the dungeon and in the dungeon there was no water, but mire. So Jeremiah sunk in the mire in (Jeremiah 38:6). Not a happy place for God's prophet. People were conspiring to kill him because they thought that if they could get rid of him, they could get rid of his message. They were saying, "We can't stand these sermons of Jeremiah." "They make us feel guilty." "They make us feel sad." "They don't show a bright and shiny future." 
O when facing opposition and people are coming against you, tell God on them. Tell Jesus about it. Take it to the Lord. When we've got problems and battles that we are helpless to do anything about, take your battles to the Lord. 
Jeremiah discovered that serving the Lord costs. He could have just stayed in his own town and been a priest. He could have said, "Lord I'm just going to hang around here and be a priest. It's an easier life." But God had other plans for him. People are just people. They let Satan use them. Just let God fight your battles.

Pastor Dennis McCoy