2 Corinthians 4:8
8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;
We have all had moments in our lives that feel hopeless.
Life can seem unfair at times and can bring trouble when we least expect it.  You may find yourself in a season of your life where you feel hopeless and down. Confused and downtrodden.  
I want to remind you that there is hope!  
There is hope when we give our life to Jesus. Hope is important to our lives.  We know that one day, He will redeem and restore everything.
 After this week’s news of a mass shooting in our own area, our little tri-county area was frightened of the unknown. Frightened because things such as this simply do not happen here.  These things happen in big cities, not our little towns.
Fear is a powerful thing, whether you fear a shooter, have health issues, relationship problems, or death itself.  Remember, fear is a liar!
There is always hope in Jesus.
The apostle Paul reminded readers to hold on to hope in 2 Corinthians 4. In that chapter Paul discussed all the hardships these Christians were facing due to them following Jesus.
“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed;  perplexed, but not in despair.”
There are many attacks we may face, but remember, they are not from God. There are always going to be cowards who shoot up schools, and even shoot at innocent people on an interstate. There are people in this world who are driven by hatred, wickedness, darkness, and evil. All contrary to God and his life-giving hope he has for all who will receive it.
We may get knocked down, but not destroyed according to today’s verse.
The Apostle Paul was saying that even in our darkest, most difficult days, we are not hopeless.  We are not hopeless because we have Jesus.  If we have trusted Him as our Savior, we know what lies ahead.  
I truly pray that you have hope today.  Do you know Jesus?  For without Him, there is no hope.

Pastor Shane Martin