On Grace Alone
I have been pondering this morning on the miracle and blessing of grace out of (Romans 5:15-21). Here Paul wrote and spoke extensively about grace which is God's favor that was given to us, the undeserving. Paul knew firsthand the freedom that Christ gives. He described himself as the worst of sinners in (1 Timothy 1:15) because he had persecuted many believers prior to his conversion. What a blessing it is once we accept Jesus as our personal Savior we're reconciled to God, and sin's power over us is broken. The Holy Spirit indwells us and we become spiritually alive. We are given a new family and a purpose for living. The Bible likens our conversion experience to receiving a heart transplant in (Ezekiel 36:26) which says "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh." It also likens it to changing our citizenship in (Philippians 3:20), and moving from darkness to the kingdom of light in (Colossians 1:13).
Saints, our Heavenly Father's desire and will is that we relate to Him on the basis of grace alone in (Ephesians 2:8-9). Just as we needed to rely on Jesus Christ's gift of salvation, we are to live a life of dependence upon Him. For it's our faith expressed through obedience that pleases God.
Grace is the most powerful, life-changing force in the world and God freely offers His unconditional love to whoever receives His Son Jesus. At salvation, our life is placed upon the immovable Rock which is Jesus whose favor is extended to us. Praise His Holy Name! That ought to put us on shouting ground.
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