Hope in Jesus

Maybe you are feeling hopeless and helpless today in the situation you may be in right now and it has left you feeling sad and unhappy. What is real right now in your life has left you feeling disappointed, discouraged, and in despair. The problems, troubles, and difficulties of life can make it hard to cope. I am reminded this morning that our hope as God’s children in this life and in the life to come rest on God’s faithfulness and His promises that are in His Word. Romans 8:24-25 says, “For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.”
These two verses teach us that if we’re going to hold on to the rope of hope so that we can cope, we must embrace its past, present, and future dimensions. You see, whenever your grip begins to slip hold on to these three things:
1. Hold on to God’s Past Promises what He did for His people in the Old Testament and how He saw them through every obstacle and difficulty they faced in life. For God’s faithfulness remained throughout Israel’s history. If He did it for them He will still do the same for us. 
2. Hold on to God’s Present Provisions. When we feel we can’t cope, God provides hope. The key isn’t to hope for something but to hope in Someone and that Someone is Jesus. 
3. Hold on to God’s Future that awaits us, for Jesus is coming to get His bride. What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see. When I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His grace; when he takes me by the hand and leads me through the promise land what a day (glorious day!), that will be. Saints we have hope because with Jesus, we can cope as we hold on to the hope we have in Him.

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