Brass or Gold?

This afternoon  I was pondering as I read 2 Chronicles 12:1-16. When Solomon died, he left a kingdom that was filled with splendor, power, and the presence of God. He left his kingdom to his son Rehoboam and unlike his father, he was a very foolish and wicked man. You see, Rehoboam squandered the opportunities that he was given and he walked away from God, refusing to serve the Lord. Instead of facing the people of Israel and telling them that the golden shields were gone, he tried to deceive them by preparing an inferior substitute. In other words, he gave God less than his best. I was thinking about this question in reading this passage of Scripture "Does God really have our very best?" Just like Rehoboam, if we're not careful, we can be guilty of giving God brass instead of gold. We offer Him substitutes for our very best. How do we do this? We can be guilty of offering God some instead of things. 
1. When we operate in the flesh Instead Of His divine power. 
2. When we live carnal lives Instead Of committed lives. 
3. When we are satisfied with the substitutes Instead Of the genuine. 
4. When we offer up excuses Instead Of humble obedience. 
Let's ask ourselves this morning Does God really have my very best? Does He have the real gold of our true devotion or the substitute of our "Instead of" devotion? Brass or Gold? Which best describes your life today? May God help us as His children to give our Lord the best we have everyday.

Pastor Dennis McCoy

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