Driven Or Drifting

This morning I'm interested in that phrase found in Acts 27:17 where it says "and so were driven." Here Paul was on a ship going to Rome. It was late in the season and Paul admonishes them to stay there for the winter but it was not commodious enough in (Verse 12). So they sailed anyway and ran into a terrible storm. I got to thinking about how they drifted in the storm. There is a tendency to drift if we're not careful in the Christian life. To drift away from where we are suppose to be and what we are suppose to be doing for the Lord.
1. Drifting requires no effort. It is easy and it requires no work. You don't have to study your Bible to drift. You don't have to pray to drift. All you have to do is just let go and do nothing and just drift with the tide of this old world.
2. It is an unconscious process. It is so easy to drift and most of the time when you're drifting you are not even aware of it.
3. We never drift upstream or against the tide. Faithfulness to the Lord is like oaring upstream, we must constantly be adding to our faith in (2Peter 1:5-9). In (1 Peter 2:2-3) (2 Peter 3:18) we must continue to grow as God's children because the moment we stop growing, we will begin to go backwards or downwards.
4. The speed downstream increases. Dangers increase with the speed of the drift. You see as we move farther and farther away from the Lord, we care less and less about what we do.
4. It is dangerous to others. Drifting is a hazard to all the other vessels at sea. Parents who are drifting will lose those golden opportunities to teach their children what is right.
6. It ends in shipwreck. In (Acts 27) we can see the tragedy of drifting for the ship that Paul was on was finally destroyed. In (Verse 40) we see where they had taken up the anchors and that's not good when there is a storm because nobody's driving the ship. They also loosed the rudder bands and that's what guides the ship. The Bible says they raised up the mainsail and basically said here we are take us where you want us. O that we would be that way with the Holy Spirit of God in our lives. To just give our hearts and lives to the Lord and surrender to His Will, His Way, and His Work. Instead of drifting with the tide of this ole world let's just flow with the current of the Holy Spirit and let Him lead, guide, and control our lives for His glory.

Pastor Dennis McCoy