The Stronghold

In Nahum 1:7 it says "The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him." When you read Chapter 1  the Personality and Power of God is seen most clearly. Nahum was a prophet raised up by the Lord to bring a message to Nineveh which had now drifted far from Him. In (Verse 2) we see where God is jealous. Not the kind of jealousy that relates to us. You see when we get jealous it is because we are worried someone is going to take something or someone from us. Not so with God! He is All sufficient and has need of nothing. God is jealous not because He is worried about His loss but because He's concerned about our hurt. In other words, the Lord is saying to us, I'm not concerned that you'll hurt Me but that you'll be hurt in leaving Me. In (Verse 3) we see where God is slow to anger. In (Verses 3-4) God is Great in Power and here in (Verse 7) we see where God is Good. (Psalms 73:1) tells us "Truly God is good" you see that's who God is. It is interesting that the goodness of God is the first truth Satan attacks. Remember when he told Eve "Has God said you are not to eat of that fruit? Why He knows in the day you eat it, you will have new revelation." In other words, God is holding back something good from you, Eve in (Genesis 3:1-5). And Satan is still doing that today as he will whisper in our ears "Isn't that a little bit narrow and restrictive? Don't you know there is a more exciting way to live? Is God truly good? Why look at the ungodly who prosper in the world how they increase in riches?" The Psalmist thought that,  over in (Psalms 73) but then when you come to (Verse 17) he said, "Until I went into the sanctuary of God" note the word "Until" He says I was mixed up and confused Until. You see it's so important that we go to church because it's there when we are in God's presence with Gods people worshipping and praising Him and hearing His Word preached that we are reminded of His goodness all over again. The psalmist understood four things when he came into the sanctuary:
*The Guarantee of God's Presence with Him ( Psalms 73:23)
*The Grasp of God's Hand upon him (Psalms 73:23)
*The Guidance of God's Counsel for him (Psalms 73:24)
*The Glory of Heaven awaiting him (Verses 24-25). 
What more could we want than to know that God is with us, that His hand is upon us, and that His counsel is there for us, and that Heaven await us. For He is truly Good!