The Best Gift
I have been pondering on (1 Corinthains 10:31) where it says "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." As this Christmas season draws closer, the best gift as a believer is a life lived for God's glory. The more we transition from living for self-glory to living for God's glory the greater our lives become a gift far greater than we could ever imagine. As God's children we must change our way of thinking. We must stop thinking about Our power, Our glory, Our prestige, Our reputation and think in terms of God's power, God's glory, God's prestige, and God's reputation. This wrong thinking must die and we must train our brain to think: "As long as God gets the glory, it doesn't matter who gets the credit."
How do we know if we have a problem with self-glory?
1. Living for the self-glory always wants the credit. They want everyone to know what part they played in every successful venture.
2. Living for the self-glory is highly concerned with rank. They are hypersensitive to position and title.
3. A person living for self-glory resents anyone whose success surpasses their own. They are plagued with jealousy for anyone who gets the glory or credit.
God deserves the glory for our lives: everyday of it, and every minute of it. Saints, we give ourselves a remarkable gift if we consistently and passionately train our brain and heart to live for His glory. Jesus sets the standard, for His life was truly a gift and He came to this earth and became a nobody so we could become a somebody with His Father. It is our reasonable service to give our life back to the Lord.
How do we know if we have a problem with self-glory?
1. Living for the self-glory always wants the credit. They want everyone to know what part they played in every successful venture.
2. Living for the self-glory is highly concerned with rank. They are hypersensitive to position and title.
3. A person living for self-glory resents anyone whose success surpasses their own. They are plagued with jealousy for anyone who gets the glory or credit.
God deserves the glory for our lives: everyday of it, and every minute of it. Saints, we give ourselves a remarkable gift if we consistently and passionately train our brain and heart to live for His glory. Jesus sets the standard, for His life was truly a gift and He came to this earth and became a nobody so we could become a somebody with His Father. It is our reasonable service to give our life back to the Lord.
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