In A Trap
Selfishness reigns in our society and men and women today look out for themselves even to the neglect and hurt of those around them. The Bible is clear that in the last days men will be lovers of themselves in (1 Timothy 3:2). There are those who are wounded, hurt, and bitter because they have been offended and they do not realize that they have fallen into Satan's trap. Offense itself is not deadly if it stays in the trap but if we pick it up and consume it and feed on it in our hearts, then we have become offended. Offense is a tool of the devil to bring people into captivity where we are held prisoner to do the devil's bidding. Saints when we make God our greatest treasure, He will give us the power to love even our enemies. If God loves the people who hurt me, then why can't I love them too? God loves that person just like He loves you and me.
Whenever another believer hurts us its hard to feel loving thoughts towards that person. In fact, we really want them to feel pain. But God has a way of using the Truth about His Love for You and Me to keep us from falling into the pit of bitter unforgiveness. It's when I view my offender the same way God views me that I value Them more than I value my feelings about them and I experience His supernatural love instead of my own destructive bitterness. O how His love is manifested daily to us and to hundreds of people who refuse to reciprocate His love. In fact, humanity Tramples on His love and yet God loves!
God's love is the most powerful force on earth because it supernaturally draws humanity into an eternal relationship with Him, one that cannot be severed by time, death, or circumstances.
Aren't you glad that God's presence fills us with the treasure of His joy and no one not even those who hate us, curse us, or spitefully use us can take this away. God's presence changes us and purifies our motives. When we learn to give like He does, we give the love we've been given. It give us great joy to give without expectation because we already have all we need in Jesus.
Whenever another believer hurts us its hard to feel loving thoughts towards that person. In fact, we really want them to feel pain. But God has a way of using the Truth about His Love for You and Me to keep us from falling into the pit of bitter unforgiveness. It's when I view my offender the same way God views me that I value Them more than I value my feelings about them and I experience His supernatural love instead of my own destructive bitterness. O how His love is manifested daily to us and to hundreds of people who refuse to reciprocate His love. In fact, humanity Tramples on His love and yet God loves!
God's love is the most powerful force on earth because it supernaturally draws humanity into an eternal relationship with Him, one that cannot be severed by time, death, or circumstances.
Aren't you glad that God's presence fills us with the treasure of His joy and no one not even those who hate us, curse us, or spitefully use us can take this away. God's presence changes us and purifies our motives. When we learn to give like He does, we give the love we've been given. It give us great joy to give without expectation because we already have all we need in Jesus.
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