How To Worship

In 1 Thessalonians 5:17-28 I am reminded what it takes for us to be able to truly worship our Lord in spirit and in truth. Oh how worship is the most important activity in our church services among God’s people. Ministry must flow out of worship, otherwise it becomes just busy activity without power and without heart. There may even be results from emotions but they will not glorify God or really last. I’m reminded of the fact that if we’re not careful many church services can lack an emphasis on true worship and become more like religious entertainment catering to the appetites of the congregation. Here Paul in these Verses names somethings that make up the worship ministry of the church.
      He mentions Prayer in (Verse 17) to pray without ceasing, staying in touch with God so that our prayer life is part of a long conversation that is not broken. I’m so glad that God knows the desires of our hearts (Psalms 37:4) and He responds to those desires even when our voice is silent.
      He mentions Praise in (Verse 18) in which thanksgiving is also a vital element of worship as we express our love and gratitude to our Lord Jesus. 
       He mentions the Word of God in (Verses 19-21). You see, worship that ignores the Bible is not spiritual. There may be emotion and even commotion but unless there is spiritual truth, the Holy Spirit is not at work. 
        These three things in these verses go together and help us as His children to understand how the Holy Spirit works in and through us in true worship to Him.