Who Do You Trust?

Eve found the serpent more trustworthy than God, not because of its credentials, but because the serpent said what Eve wanted to hear.”
We are no different than Eve. It doesn’t matter how much God has proven Himself faithful, loving, wise, and powerful to us—our enemies are constantly on the move to destroy us from the inside—out. The enemy seeks to undermine God’s credibility by convincing us that God is less than He says He is. The enemy works on our desires. He seeks to create insatiable fleshly desires within us in order to destroy everything good in our life. He seeks to darken the delightful desire of our born-again, inner man for Jesus Christ—so we think HE is not worth our pursuit.
Satan does not want us to desire God.
Whether it’s personal relationships, church membership, community affiliations, business associations, or politicians—the natural man (flesh) part of us is drawn to the voices that tell us what we WANT to hear instead of what we NEED to hear. This persistent desire to follow the influences of our flesh rather than to desire the things of God was not just an “Eden problem.” It is our daily struggle today. 
To fight against it, we must learn to grow our desire for the truth of God’s Word and get in the Word and let the Word get in us each day. We already have the victory in Jesus. If God be for us, who can be against us. Yea, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. Ye are of God little children and have overcome them because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. That is so encouraging for the child of God which means we can walk in victory and not defeat daily because of that promise given to us.